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Drive More Sales with a
Proven Marketing System

The Growth Engine Framework is proven to generate more quality leads, build trust, establish thought leadership, and guide home buyers through their entire customer journey. Keep your sales pipeline full and never leave another lead behind.


Drive More Sales with a
Proven Marketing System

The Growth Engine Framework is proven to generate more quality leads, build trust, establish thought leadership, and guide home buyers through their entire customer journey. Keep your sales pipeline full and never leave another lead behind.


Drive More Sales with a
Proven Marketing System

The Growth Engine Framework is proven to generate more quality leads, build trust, establish thought leadership, and guide home buyers through their entire customer journey. Keep your sales pipeline full and never leave another lead behind.

Put more leads into your marketing funnel and sales pipeline.

Deliver timely and relevant content personalized for each lead.

Scale your company like you never thought possible.

Frustrated with your Marketing results?
Stop spinning your wheels.

If you’re on this page, you’re likely experiencing a few of the following frustrations:

Your company has set an aggressive sales target but you’re worried you’re going to come up short.

You don’t have a comprehensive marketing strategy and your marketing efforts don’t deliver consistent, reliable results every month.

You react to market conditions by changing your marketing strategy and adjusting your sales goals.

You’re doing your best to build awareness but your sales centre or show homes just aren’t getting the walk-in traffic you want.

You’re looking for a way to position your company differently to get in front of home buyers before your competitors.

You’re getting a lot of website traffic but you don’t generate many new leads from your website.

You don’t have a way to stay in front of prospects who are still gathering information but aren’t ready to talk to Sales.

You know buying a home is a lengthy sales process but you don’t have a follow-up system to stay in front of prospects long-term.

You have multiple competing priorities and don’t have enough time to do all the marketing activities you want or need to do.

Our approach to real estate marketing

Successful new home marketing hinges on three critical elements:

A framework

Marketing is a system, and every tactic plays a vital role. Just like a high-performance engine, all the components work together to produce a specific output – a steady stream of sales-ready leads.

A buyer persona

Knowing who’s buying your homes and where they are in life lets you craft marketing that speaks directly to their needs, joining the conversation in their mind at the perfect moment.

The right content

Home buyers face 19 critical decision points on their path to purchase. You must create targeted content that educates, builds trust, and influences their choices at every stage, guiding them towards buying new.

Brands we've helped


Tangible Results, Increased Revenue, and a Stronger Market Presence

Here’s what you’ll experience from the Growth Engine Framework™:

Consistent Marketing Performance

Establish a solid marketing foundation that withstands economic fluctuations, interest rate changes, and market uncertainties. The Growth Engine Framework™ is evergreen, timeless, and works in any market conditions.

Predictable Growth

Say goodbye to marketing uncertainty and hello to predictable growth. The Growth Engine Framework™ provides a structured marketing approach, ensuring consistent results and long-term success.

Maximize Website Lead Generation

Transform your website into a lead generation machine. The Growth Engine Framework™ helps you optimize your website, converting traffic into quality leads and driving sales growth.

Nurture Long-Term Prospects

Stay top-of-mind with prospects throughout their lengthy buying journey. Our framework provides a follow-up system to nurture leads, building trust and priming them for sales conversations.

Increased Conversions

Maximize your marketing ROI with data-driven conversion optimization. The Growth Engine Framework™ includes the tools to analyze, test, and refine your marketing strategies for improved results.

Thought Leadership

Establish your brand as the trusted home builder in your market. The Growth Engine Framework™ includes a content strategy that showcases your expertise, builds trust, and sets you apart from competitors.

“We would not have been as successful without the help of Velocity and their Growth Engine Framework™.”

“Velocity23 really understands the shift in consumer home buying patterns and has been instrumental in helping our company see the shift as well. We are a big fan of HubSpot and would not have been as successful without the help of Velocity and their Growth Engine Framework™.

Jeff (and Velocity23) have changed the way I see marketing and it has made me more effective. Recommending them may not even be a good idea on my part because it could potentially even wake up my competitors. (Jeff we need to discuss some exclusivity 😉) He not only understands inbound marketing better than anyone I have met, but he can explain it so those of us who are less tech-savvy can understand it.

All that being said it is the results that matter and they are everything he says and more. So, would I recommend Velocity23, Yes! But not to anyone in our market, because I don’t want them to get better. All the best Jeff, you deserve it.”

Brent Bommes, Vice President (F), Sterling Homes

Sterling Homes went from 205 annual closings to 576 annual closings in 36 months using our Growth Engine Framework™.
👉  See the Case Study here.

Supercharge your Sales Pipeline

Most homebuilders view digital marketing as a series of one-off tactics. They plan campaigns then pull the trigger and hope for the best. When the market is strong, they spend more, but when it slows, they cut budgets and adjust sales forecasts.

In reality, the home builders that get the best results view marketing as a system to generate and nurture leads to keep their pipeline full, regardless of market conditions.

The Growth Engine Framework provides an evergreen marketing system that continuously generates and warms up home buyer leads, educates prospects at each stage of the home buying journey, builds rapport and trust, positions you as the trusted home builder, and runs 24/7/365 regardless of market fluctuations.

What’s included with a Growth Engine Framework™?

Brand Voice Discovery

We’ll work together to define your brand’s unique personality and tone that sets you apart. Based on your company mission and values, we’ll craft guidelines for your key messaging and positioning that resonates with your target audience. Then we’ll identify the language, tone of voice, and communication style that best connects with them.

Ideal Home Buyer Persona

Get crystal clear on who your ideal home buyer is. We’ll work together to create a detailed profile of your target audience, including demographics, goals, challenges, preferences, and behaviors. This comprehensive persona will guide your marketing efforts, ensuring you’re speaking directly to the needs and desires of your ideal customer, and attracting more qualified leads to your business.

Content Strategy Blueprint

Map out a content strategy that resonates with your ideal home buyer at every stage of their journey. We’ll develop a customized plan that addresses the 19 key decision points your target audience faces, from initial research to final purchase. This strategic approach ensures you’re delivering the right content, at the right time, to build trust, establish your authority, and nurture leads through the sales funnel.

Custom HubSpot Setup

Unlock the full potential of HubSpot’s marketing automation with our custom setup, tailored specifically for home builders. Our expert configuration ensures seamless integration with the Growth Engine Framework™, empowering you to streamline lead nurturing and conversion, amplify your brand’s online presence, and maximize ROI with data-driven insights. Our proprietary setup accelerates your marketing efforts, fueling growth and sales pipeline optimization.

Blog Article Content Creation

Our experienced team of writers craft compelling blog content that resonates with your ideal home buyer and supports your content strategy. We produce high-quality, engaging articles that fall into three content buckets: educational, search-optimized, and promotional. This strategic approach ensures your blog content educates, informs, and persuades your target audience, establishing your brand as the trusted authority in your market.

Lead Magnets & Content Upgrades

Attract and engage your target audience with downloadable assets that complement your blog content. Our lead magnets and content upgrades, such as guides, worksheets, checklists, and look books provide value and utility, educating and empowering home buyers as they navigate the decision-making process. These valuable resources capture leads and foster a relationship with your brand, establishing trust and credibility.

Lead Nurturing Email Marketing

Nurture your leads and guide them through the home buying journey with targeted email marketing. Our email campaigns are designed to keep prospects engaged over the long term, drawing them back to your valuable blog content and moving them through the decision points. By providing consistent, relevant, and helpful communication, we build trust and establish your brand as a trusted partner in their home buying process.

Daily Social Media Publishing

Expand your online presence and engage with your audience through consistent daily social media publishing. As part of your content strategy, we’ll share helpful and informative content, and other engaging content to attract and retain followers. This helps you drive more traffic to your website, increase brand awareness, and build a community of loyal followers and fans.

Monthly Email Newsletter

Stay top of mind with your entire contact list through a monthly email newsletter that delivers value and keeps your brand front and center. This keeps home buyers engaged, informed, and drives repeat visits to your website. By repurposing your blog content and sharing your resources, you solidify your position as the trusted builder in your market.

Smart Lead Nurturing Automation

Our proprietary “smart” automation system is expertly designed to guide prospects through the 19 decision steps of the home buying journey. This system delivers personalized, relevant, and timely education, building rapport, trust, and thought leadership, shortening the sales cycle and empowering prospects to make informed decisions. Our lead nurturing system adapts to each individual’s pace, ensuring long-term engagement and a seamless transition from prospect to loyal customer.

What does the process look like?

Book a call

You’ll speak directly with Jeff, a managing partner here at Velocity23. He will answer all of your questions about how a customized Growth Engine Framework™ would work for your company.

Kick-off & Planning

Once an agreement is signed, we’ll hold a kick-off meeting where you’ll meet your account manager, Sereena, and we’ll go through the program objectives, milestones and timeline.

Set-up & Initial Workshops

You’ll go through the brand voice discovery process, buyer persona workshop, and review your content strategy. Meanwhile, our team begins building out your custom HubSpot setup.

Monthly Build-Out

You’ll meet with Sereena, your account manager, bi-weekly to plan out your content and campaigns, review progress on the Growth Engine Framework™ and review your results.

How long does it take to build?

How fast do you want to go?

All plans get you a completed framework; it just depends on how fast you want it done. The faster the plan, the more of the framework we build out each month, and the lower the total cost will be. We can also build a custom plan to fit your budget.

Framework complete in

18-24 Months

Best for companies with limited marketing budgets or that want to develop their framework slowly. Companies in this stage are usually preparing for growth and making sure they have the foundation in place in which to scale up.


~$84,000 Expected Total
+$7,000 Commitment Fee

Framework complete in

12 Months (or Less)

Best for companies that are actively marketing and are looking for more consistent results. Companies in this stage usually have a small marketing team and are ready to increase their lead flow to the sales team. 


~$84,000 Expected Total
+$7,000 Commitment Fee

Framework complete in

6 Months (or Less)

Best for companies that are hungry for growth and ready to scale. Companies in this stage are making big moves and want to drastically increase sales and market share in the next 12 months or less.


~$84,000 Expected Total
+$7,000 Commitment Fee

What other costs should I expect?

Advanced Marketing Automation

Our Growth Engine Framework requires the advanced marketing automation only available in HubSpot Marketing Hub Professional. $800+ per month.

AI Email Delivery Optimization

We use an AI-powered email delivery optimization tool to send emails at the precise best time for each individual on your list. $80 per month.

Data Reporting Dashboards

Modern marketing is data-driven. This robust reporting dashboard let’s you see what’s happening and make better decisions. $100 per month.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I invest in a Growth Engine Framework™?

Simply put, the Growth Engine Framework™ is the most reliable lead generation and lead nurture system available to home builders. It’s not affected by seasonality, market conditions, or economics. There are always people in various stages of the home-buying journey and the Growth Engine Framework™ does a great job of drawing buyers in and staying front of mind with them. It helps you provide value, establish trust, and position your company as the go-to builder in your market.

How does the Growth Engine Framework™ work?

There are 19 key decisions every home buyer makes during their home-buying journey. Each decision moves them closer to buying a new home or a resale home. The Growth Engine Framework™ keeps the prospect on the path towards buying new. New prospects enter the system by submitting a form to download a lead magnet. The system then determines what kind of buyer they are and what stage of the buyer’s journey they’re in. Then it sends a weekly email suggesting an educational article that gives the prospect the exact information they need to make their next decision and keep them moving forward. This helps you, the builder, continually provide value and stay front of mind with your prospects in a way that gets noticed.

Will the Growth Engine Framework™ work for any builder?

Absolutely. We’ve implemented the Growth Engine Framework™ for builders that do as little as 24 homes a year to more than 700+ homes a year. Every time we’ve implemented it, we’ve exceeded our client’s expectations and they’ve sold more homes than they projected. As long as you have the inventory and construction teams available to handle more sales, the Growth Engine Framework™ will work for you, too.

What are the requirements needed to implement a Growth Engine Framework™?

There are very few. First of all, the website platform you are using doesn’t matter. We can implement it with any website. So you don’t need to build a brand-new website to use it. Second, it’s a done-for-you system, so your team doesn’t need to do anything other than review the content we’re creating and approve it for publishing. Third, there are software requirements as noted above. You must have HubSpot Marketing Hub Professional. Our system is built using their advanced workflow tool and we can’t build one without it. We’re HubSpot partners and will help your team acquire a license and do the software setup. The last requirement is time. You determine how fast you want to build your Growth Engine Framework™. The sooner it’s done, the sooner you’ll be acquiring new leads and selling more homes.

What does Velocity23 do?

Velocity23 is a growth agency that helps home builders scale up their lead generation so they can close more sales. Our Growth Engine Framework and marketing philosophy helps you deliver more sales-ready leads to Sales so you can focus on growing your organization.

What types of businesses does Velocity23 work with?

Velocity23 works with real estate companies. We’ve worked with custom home builders, production builders, multi-family developers, land developers, real estate brokerages, mortgage brokerages and even title companies. Our specialty is the new home construction niche.

Is there a business that should not work with Velocity23?

If you’re looking for instant results, short-term band-aid fixes to bigger problems, or if you have very little marketing budget to work with, we are not a good fit. If you are looking for cheap hired labour, we are not a good fit. And in most cases, we’re not a good fit for individual Realtors.

A Top Performing HubSpot Partner

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Velocity23 advisor to get started

Not ready to talk to an advisor? Try this…

Not ready to talk to an advisor? Try this…

Download the Ultimate Blog Title Swipe File

Inside you’ll find over 100 different fill-in-the-blank style real estate article titles. Each title comes with numerous examples that you can swipe, deploy and gain the attention of home buyers today. Wave goodbye to writers block!